Friday, 12 June 2015

Just to get the ball rolling . . .

Yes, it’s yet another blogsite. 

What have we here?

We have a blog that has been created for the purpose of promoting the naturist lifestyle within the Province of New Brunswick.  That is our immediate purpose.  Our short term goal is the creation of a actual club or association of naturists within New Brunswick (and those areas that are immediately adjacent to NB) in the form of a non-landed club within the parlance of the Federation of Canadian Naturists.

This blogsite is not the first attempt to do promote naturism in New Brunswick.  A couple of naturist venues have come and gone over the years:  Maritans, back in the 1960s-70s, and Simply Naturist Retreat in the 2000s.  An information website for “N.B. Bares” already exists  but there has not been much response to it. 

As a result, a Facebook page for the “New Brunswick Naturist Club (NBNC)” was created and has gathered in a number of interested people.  However, for understandable reasons, some people who are naturists wish to keep a fairly low profile on the internet.  To do this they have opted to use aliases for posting to Facebook and other sites.  Ongoing Facebook campaigns against alias accounts is thinning the numbers of pages and members, and creating problems for users.  

So, why a blog for New Brunswick naturists?  For the reasons stated above.  The website didn’t work out all that well and some Facebook groups are under attack by the Facebook morality commandos.  This blogsite has been created as a means by which those interested in naturism within New Brunswick can communicate without having to suffer attacks from the Facebook police or from nosey relatives or cow-orkers. 

About naturism . . .

What is naturism?  There are several very long answers to that question and a few very short ones as well.  Taken together, two of these two quips come very close to being an executive summary of my own definition of naturism:
  • A nudist is a person who likes to be naked; a naturist is a nudist who knows why s/he likes to be naked; and
  •  Naturism is nudism within a non-sexualized social environment.
In other words, naturism is a social phenomenon, not a solitary pursuit.  There will be more said about this in postings to follow.

About comments . . .

I will be looking over all new comments on an almost daily basis.
  •   Please keep your comments relevant . . . anything that isn’t related to naturist activities or venues within New Brunswick, Nova Scotia or PEI is liable to be deleted.  There are lots of other sites for other regions, activities and purposes. 
  •  Please keep your comments clean . . . the use of profanity serves no good purpose for anyone.  If you can’t make your point without using bad language then don’t comment here.
  •  Please keep your comments civil . . . any resort to personal attacks or the casting of aspersions on individuals on the basis of race, sex, religion, ethnicity or sexual orientation will be deleted. 

And another thing or two . . . 

I welcome all current members of the "NB Naturist Club" Facebook page to join me here.  Please feel free to sign in here and still use your FB account.  But it may only be a matter of time before we find that FB page closed down.  I thought it best to set up here in advance.

I am  new to this blogsite platform so there may be changes as we go along.  Please bear with me.

Notification of any factual errors, spelling mistakes or poor grammar will be appreciated.

1 comment:

  1. Posted a link to your blog on our FB page (& Twitter) . Here's hoping that together we can help get things rolling in your province.
